CRS have designed and manufactured a Zero Waste to Landfill Recycling Plant for Crown Waste Management.

CRS were delighted to be chosen to work alongside Crown Waste Management. Crown Waste provide waste management services for many areas, with recycling as their number one priority. CRS NI demonstrated to Crown Waste that they had the ability to design, manufacture and integrate a zero waste to landfill recycling plant into Crown Wastes Birmingham site. CRS supplied a bespoke solution which included Static picking station, Air separation Unit, Twin Pole Magnet, Manual picking cabin, CRS 1025 Trommel.
What did Crown Waste Management have to say about their Zero Waste to Landfill Plant by CRS
We spoke to Kash the owner of Crown Waste Management to find out more about the recent installation of our CRS Waste Sorting Plant.
Why did you choose to work with CRS?
We chose to work with CRS as they were able to demonstrate to us that they had the capability and knowledge to design and integrate a zero waste to landfill recycling plant that was able to meet all of our requirements and requests with a quick turnaround.
What was the challenge before the new installation?
Before the new installation we had all of our picking of materials on ground with very minimum intake capacity. Our goal was to increase our productivity and increase our intake capacity whilst also increasing the safety on our site. Our goal was to also find a company that were able to adopt their system to suit our buildings and our yard which was a difficult task.
What has the new Zero Waste to Landfill Plant helped to achieve?
The new plant has helped in many ways, it has allowed us to increase our intake capacity from minimum intake to maximum intake of 30 tonne an hour of C&D and mixed C&I. CRS were able to specifically design, manufacture and install the system to suit our buildings and our yard which we were very impressed with as this was a difficult task. Our new plant has allowed us to increase our processing speed and efficiency which has allowed us to improve our vehicle turnaround times on site. The new plant has also improved the quality of our end products allowing us to produce high quality resalable products. The safety on site has been greatly improved as staff are now picking within the cabin away from mobile plant.
Has the new installation solved your problem?
Yes the new instalment has solved the problems and challenges which we were previously facing. The new plant installed has allowed us to create a safe environment, increase production and enabled us to create resalable products. So overall we are extremely happy with our new zero to landfill recycling plant.
Thank you to Crown Waste Management UK, for choosing to work with CRS